Who We Are
Ministry Leadership and Staff
Rev. Linda Bartholomew
The Rev. Linda Bartholomew (“Amma Linda” to our community) is excited to be joining the St. Mark’s community after 2 years of retirement from full-time service. Before that she served as Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Spokane Valley for eight years. Before that she served as Associate Rector of Grace Church, NCY since 2004. Backing up in time from that, she was Canon for Christian Formation at Christ Church Cathedral in Cincinnati, Ohio, her first call upon ordination to the priesthood in 1997. Each of these placements now hold dear memories of the privilege of being with good, holy, loving, and sometimes quirky people, all seeking to follow Jesus’ way together.
Before becoming a priest Linda served for ten years as a Pastoral Associate in the Roman Catholic Church in Cincinnati, OH and a hospital chaplain at Good Samaritan Hospital for two years, in Dayton, OH. During that time, she felt an increasingly loud call to the priesthood and found that call welcomed in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio. She began her theological training as the only female seminarian at St. Francis Roman Catholic Seminary in Milwaukee, where she earned her Master of Divinity degree. Later she earned her Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. Her doctoral project was titled, “The Revitalization of the Word through Biblical Storytelling.”
Linda is beyond happily married to Adam Bartholomew who is also an Episcopal priest, Adjunct Professor at Gonzaga University, and the Co-founder of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International. Linda and Adam have a grown daughter Jessica (“God has been gracious”) who with her husband FJ have blessed them with four beautiful granddaughters. They live too far away in Cincinnati, OH.
Rev. Adam Bartholomew
Amma Linda’s husband
Adam Bartholomew was baptized Gilbert Leinbach Bartholomew and added the name Adam when he and Linda married, honoring her changing her last name to Bartholomew. Adam grew up in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of eastern Pennsylvania. He spent 5 formative years in a Jewish area of Philadelphia where he first learned a bit of Hebrew from his friends. Later he graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary and was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 1968. After earning his Ph.D. in New Testament at Union Theological Seminary in New York City he began a dual career of serving as a full time pastor and part time seminary teacher at Lancaster Seminary, where he taught an introduction to Greek as a resource for preparing to learn to tell Biblical stories by heart and teach Christians of every age to do the same.
As a pastor first he served two churches near Harrisburg, PA, four in Schuylkill Country, PA. He and Linda married in 1999 after she was ordained to the Episcopal priesthood. Ordained as an Episcopal priest himself in 2002, he subsequently served as the Resident Theologian at the Indian Hill Episcopal Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati. While Linda served as Associate Rector at Grace Church in New York City, he served as interim in Poughkeepsie, Rockville Centre, Long Island, and then spent a fascinating four years as Priest-In-Charge at the Church of the Ascension in Mount Vernon, New York, a congregation of people from the West Indies and Africa.
Adam retired in 2012 when he and Linda moved to Spokane for her to become the Rector of the Church of the Resurrection in Spokane Valley and he assisted by telling the Gospel and other stories and directing the choir. Since 2014 he has been privileged to teach as an adjunct professor at Gonzaga University, during which time Joan Connell, a wonderful journalist, and he developed his course, Healing Creation, and published their book Healing All Creation: Genesis, the Gospel of Mark, and the Story of the Universe. His marriage with Linda has been an astonishing love affair. They share the joy of their daughter Jessica, her husband F.J. and their four beautiful granddaughters, Emma, Jane, Charlotte, and Linda, who live too far away in Cincinnati.
Melissa Parkhurst
Bishop’s Warden and Missioner for Christian Discipleship Ministry
Melissa Parkhurst is an Associate Professor at the WSU School of Music. Her field is Ethnomusicology, the study of music in its cultural context. Melissa’s research interests include First Nations music in the Pacific Northwest, how music promotes personal and community resilience, and the role of music in cultural revitalization. She is the author of To Win the Indian Heart: Music at Chemawa Indian School, published by Oregon State University Press (2014).
Melissa serves on the Board of Directors for the WSU Press. She is an Affiliate in WSU’s Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and an Affiliate in WSU’s Center for Native American Research and Collaboration. She is Past-President for the Association for Faculty Women (AFW), 2021-2022.
She loves learning about indigenous music because it’s a chance to witness the stunning breadth of human expression that characterizes the 500+ tribes of North America. Each has its own distinct history, lifeways, world view, and songs! And the songs offer insight into the things that make us human.
Melissa lives in Pullman now, but her family is from the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Her father served in the Navy and her youth was spent largely in San Diego and in Sasebo, Japan.
When she’s not working, she loves to spend time outside exploring with her 11-year-old son and their bluetick coonhound.
Rev. Canon Dwight Brown
Supply Clergy
Dwight Larcom Brown was born and raised in Connecticut and Massachusetts. He graduated with honors from Trinity College, Hartford, CT, in 1976 with a BA in Classics, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He moved to Boise, ID at the invitation of college friends. There he met Cathy Brown, an elementary school educator who was from Moscow!
Dwight graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in 1981. That same year he was ordained deacon at his home church in Massachusetts by the Rt. Rev. Alexander Stewart, he married Catherine E. Brown in Moscow by the Rev. Hervon Snider, and he was ordained priest by Bp. Stewart.
Dwight served as Assistant Minister at Trinity Church, Arlington, VA, 1981-1984. Then he served at St. Mary's and Grace, both churches in Berryville, VA, from 1984-2016. During this time he made several mission trips to Uganda, and was installed as Canon of the Cathedral of St. John, Kasaka, Uganda.
Dwight Retired in 2016, and he and Catherine moved to Moscow. They also have a home in Kailua-Kona Hawaii. While maintaining a pension from the Episcopal Church, he serves as Vicar of Christ Church, Episcopal in Kealakakua, Hawaii. This is part time, and part of the year, so they spend summers in Moscow with us!
Rev. Mary Beth Rivetti
Supply Clergy
Mary Elisabeth (Mary Beth) Rivetti has been a resident of the Palouse for nearly 20 years, serving for 13 years in Pullman as the rector (senior priest) of St. James’ Episcopal Church before retiring to Moscow in 2016.
Accompanying her to Pullman in 2003 was her late husband, George, whom she met and married when they were both living in Salt Lake City. Widowed in 2009, Mary Beth still enjoys vacation time with her four grown stepchildren and a growing army of grandchildren, ranging in age from newborn to 22.
Mary Beth recently became a volunteer chaplain at Gritman Medical Center of Moscow, where she serves along with Martha Kitzrow, a member of St. Mark’s, and a team of volunteer chaplains from around the Palouse.
Harriet Hughes
Parish Life Coordinator
Harriet Hughes became a member of St. Mark’s in 1988, and worked for over five years as our administrative assistant before “retiring” into the role of Parish Life Coordinator. In this role, Harriet continues to bring us together by organizing sacristan duties and logistics, keeping our plants alive inside and out, and generally caring for our parish people and events.
Harriet has sung in the choir, served on search committees, and been senior warden. She loves gardening and walking her dog. Harriet is warm, kind, and generous, and is the go-to person for anyone who has questions about St. Mark’s. She can be reached by leaving a message on the church phone or email.
Helen Wootton
In her role as parish historian, Helen has been gathering records and photographs about the history of St. Mark’s dating back to the parish’s founding in 1889. She wrote a beautiful article about our church in Latah Legacy, the annual journal of the Latah County Historical Society. She welcomes contributions of letters, documents and historical artifacts about our church.
Helen is a licensed lay preacher in the Diocese of Spokane, and we love hearing from her in the pulpit several times a year. A retired nurse, she regularly writes letters to the editor of our local newspapers about public health topics. Helen has been a Vestry member, senior warden and most recently our pastoral care coordinator.
Carol Espe
Carol Espe oversees the cleanliness of our building and public areas. She also manages the supplies for cleaning and running our kitchen and other areas of the church.
KarlaRose Erhard-Hudson
Administrative Assistant
Nancy Luebbert
Vestry members are elected to exercise congregational leadership in matters of St. Mark's physical property and monetary resources.
Vestry members also serve as models of Christian living through their engagement at St. Mark's and their ministries in the world. Messages for Vestry members may be left at 208-882-2022.
Rebecca Stevens
Missioner for Parish Life
Judy Herrick
Missioner for Outreach and Justice
Kevin Brackney
Missioner for Administration
Susan Hodgin
MIssioner for Pastoral Care
Brett Deaton
Missioner for Worship and Music